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Adaptive Equipment and Mobility

In some cases, your child may require adaptive equipment to aid in their ability to move in their environment.  The following are examples of a few items which might be necessary.

This is an example of a stander that can be used with your child for weight bearing skills.  In many cases, children start working on weight bearing in a stander before ambulation.  In some instances, a stander is used with older children too because there are many benefits (weight bearing, bowel/bladder function, etc.) which can be gained by your child using a standing program. There are many types of standers and this is only one example.  Please discuss with your child’s doctor or physical therapist if you have questions. 

This is an adaptive walker which might be your child’s first piece of equipment that helps them move.  The style of walker is appropriate for children that are just beginning to walk or those children that have balance issues that necessitate equipment for safety when traveling on environmental surfaces. Some children are able to improve their balance and gait skills and can move to the use of adaptive canes.

For some student’s, their medical condition (Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida to name a few) requires that they use a wheelchair to be able to access their environment.  Wheelchairs are now lightweight and are measured to make sure that they fit your child correctly and has the necessary equipment that is needed to make sure your child has good posture and is safe when traveling. 

Sometimes, a power wheelchair is necessary so a child can access their environment. Power wheelchairs use a joystick and battery power so your child can safely navigate their wheelchair during their day. 

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